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Re: Coronavirus

Post by BlackDiamond »

Whiskyman wrote: Sun Nov 01, 2020 1:50 pm
mkhammer wrote: Sun Nov 01, 2020 10:55 am

Hi Mate..

Sorry just can't see how we can blame this Government for the present times.and their handling of it,when the whole world
and I mean the Whole going thru the same thing and pretty much handling things the same way...
Like said before if we were noticeably doing worse than anywhere else...the sceptics like yourself and others on here and
elsewhere,would have a case, an argument...just not getting the angle at moment...
I get the Political gain thing...and some of the crap I'm hearing from that is Bloody embarrassing ...hope to fuck
some of these people never get into office...if you use political gain,at least make it halfway valid,not gobbledegook..

I think we disagree a fair bit on this....Stats/Scientific Approach/Economy/Boris and Co...
Hard to sum it up,in a few sentences..hence my long posts at times.... :lol: ..
The In and out of Lockdown has allowed the Economy to generate something,maybe just enabling us to Lockdown again
and extend the Furlough which to me is Amazing how we can do that...
I'll use me as an between Lockdowns I've been to Lake District twice was gonna go next weekend again,
London 3 times...Brighton a few Times..Cornwall....We've spent a fair bit and put that into the Economy...
So would have thought you would agree we can't stay in a lockdown...but when it Spikes as it is, we have no choice,
there just isnt one...shut up shop a bit or it spreads faster,maybe out of control...when the really sick can't get
into hospital...thats when the shit really hits the fan.
What this thing does, dictates what we do and we don't know what it's gonna do....take a look at world stats,we've a bloody
long way to go yet.

I just can't imagine being in Johnsons boots at the moment,would love to be PM...wouldn't do it for all the money in
the world at moment.

But on the whole ..Happy is the wrong word ,but I'm OK with the way we are handling it..
As said previously I couldn't care less how the rest of the world is handling or not handling it. I am only concerned that my kids and then my grandchildren, are left with some sort of future after this shitfest. Governments the world over are like fucking sheep. They follow each other to the slaughterhouse.

As you say we disagree fundamentally on this. I believe the only statistic that actually matters is the one that reads "DEATHS CAUSED DIRECTLY BY THE VIRUS". People get sick, they don't usually die. But in winter, every winter, older people drop off their perches at a faster rate than in the summer. That has been the case since time began hasn't it? And it will be the same again this year. But how many deaths can honestly be attributed to Covid and Covid alone ?

I take your point about the really sick not getting into hospital but, hey, with all those unused ventilators sitting in warehouses doesn't that suggest a lot of people are not getting "really sick" ? Is it necessary to admit someone with the virus to hospital just because they have it ? Mrs Ws friend is a GP and she has told her that in Mid Herts (our area) 90% of Covid admissions were non critical. Make of that what you will.

And if no vaccine is discovered what do we do ? Carry on into and out of lockdowns like some demented cunt doing the Hokey Cokey in the local working man's club ? Or do we give the "herd immunity" theory a chance and see if that works.?

Maybe I'm completely wrong but I honestly believe people the world over are being totally misled about this thing. And the sad thing is us fuckers are gullible enough to believe the propaganda we're being fed.
The government should have kept with the tiered regional approach because to move to lockdown from Tier 2 shows a complete admission of incompetence. That level of ineptitude leads to non compliance.

Which is a shame really because a government only has two real priorities. The nations health and the economy
Last edited by BlackDiamond on Sun Nov 01, 2020 5:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Coronavirus

Post by Newmarket »

BlackDiamond wrote: Sun Nov 01, 2020 5:02 pm
Whiskyman wrote: Sun Nov 01, 2020 1:50 pm

As said previously I couldn't care less how the rest of the world is handling or not handling it. I am only concerned that my kids and then my grandchildren, are left with some sort of future after this shitfest. Governments the world over are like fucking sheep. They follow each other to the slaughterhouse.

As you say we disagree fundamentally on this. I believe the only statistic that actually matters is the one that reads "DEATHS CAUSED DIRECTLY BY THE VIRUS". People get sick, they don't usually die. But in winter, every winter, older people drop off their perches at a faster rate than in the summer. That has been the case since time began hasn't it? And it will be the same again this year. But how many deaths can honestly be attributed to Covid and Covid alone ?

I take your point about the really sick not getting into hospital but, hey, with all those unused ventilators sitting in warehouses doesn't that suggest a lot of people are not getting "really sick" ? Is it necessary to admit someone with the virus to hospital just because they have it ? Mrs Ws friend is a GP and she has told her that in Mid Herts (our area) 90% of Covid admissions were non critical. Make of that what you will.

And if no vaccine is discovered what do we do ? Carry on into and out of lockdowns like some demented cunt doing the Hokey Cokey in the local working man's club ? Or do we give the "herd immunity" theory a chance and see if that works.?

Maybe I'm completely wrong but I honestly believe people the world over are being totally misled about this thing. And the sad thing is us fuckers are gullible enough to believe the propaganda we're being fed.
The government should have kept with the tiered regional approach because to move to lockdown from Tier 2 shows a complete admission of incompetence. That level of ineptitude leads to non compliance.

I imagine at least a million people in England will stick two fingers up and completely refuse to go for it.
Let’s face it , if most of the shops are closed then the majority will spend more time at home anyway rather than queue up like Lemmings .

I watched that Bojo press conference last night and quite frankly I don’t believe a fucking word of all this “projected” graphs and figures bullshit .

How on earth can they “guess” how many cases and deaths there will be in a month/2 months/3 months time ?
From what I can tell the amount of infections are on the rise but compared with the first wave the number of deaths are minimal leading me to believe the NHS and the government have learnt lessons and are coping well.

No , I think this new national lockdown is nothing more than a way of keeping the whining politicians from Liverpool and Manchester quiet.

And as for keeping the Colleges and Universities open , it’s sheer and utter lunacy .
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Re: Coronavirus

Post by BlackDiamond »

Newmarket wrote: Sun Nov 01, 2020 5:40 pm
BlackDiamond wrote: Sun Nov 01, 2020 5:02 pm
The government should have kept with the tiered regional approach because to move to lockdown from Tier 2 shows a complete admission of incompetence. That level of ineptitude leads to non compliance.

I imagine at least a million people in England will stick two fingers up and completely refuse to go for it.
Let’s face it , if most of the shops are closed then the majority will spend more time at home anyway rather than queue up like Lemmings .

I watched that Bojo press conference last night and quite frankly I don’t believe a fucking word of all this “projected” graphs and figures bullshit .

How on earth can they “guess” how many cases and deaths there will be in a month/2 months/3 months time ?
From what I can tell the amount of infections are on the rise but compared with the first wave the number of deaths are minimal leading me to believe the NHS and the government have learnt lessons and are coping well.

No , I think this new national lockdown is nothing more than a way of keeping the whining politicians from Liverpool and Manchester quiet.

And as for keeping the Colleges and Universities open , it’s sheer and utter lunacy .
Good points NM. Those that are broadly supportive of lockdowns and bewitched by charts and graphs with sharp rising lines, usually become all pious and sniffy when criticised. They like to take the moral high ground.

So they will say something like "Those who continue to put the economy ahead of health are just wrong. The economy will recover...those who have died will not"

This overlooks the fact that those who have died were so ill anyway, that something was going to give them a little push. It just happens to be a corona virus. And if you are suffering from dementia without a working cock, how much fun are you having anyway...

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Re: Coronavirus

Post by Whiskyman »

mkhammer wrote: Sun Nov 01, 2020 3:59 pm
Whiskyman wrote: Sun Nov 01, 2020 1:50 pm

As said previously I couldn't care less how the rest of the world is handling or not handling it. I am only concerned that my kids and then my grandchildren, are left with some sort of future after this shitfest. Governments the world over are like fucking sheep. They follow each other to the slaughterhouse.

As you say we disagree fundamentally on this. I believe the only statistic that actually matters is the one that reads "DEATHS CAUSED DIRECTLY BY THE VIRUS". People get sick, they don't usually die. But in winter, every winter, older people drop off their perches at a faster rate than in the summer. That has been the case since time began hasn't it? And it will be the same again this year. But how many deaths can honestly be attributed to Covid and Covid alone ?

I take your point about the really sick not getting into hospital but, hey, with all those unused ventilators sitting in warehouses doesn't that suggest a lot of people are not getting "really sick" ? Is it necessary to admit someone with the virus to hospital just because they have it ? Mrs Ws friend is a GP and she has told her that in Mid Herts (our area) 90% of Covid admissions were non critical. Make of that what you will.

And if no vaccine is discovered what do we do ? Carry on into and out of lockdowns like some demented cunt doing the Hokey Cokey in the local working man's club ? Or do we give the "herd immunity" theory a chance and see if that works.?

Maybe I'm completely wrong but I honestly believe people the world over are being totally misled about this thing. And the sad thing is us fuckers are gullible enough to believe the propaganda we're being fed.
Week or so ago I'm not gonna look.. in one of the exchanges..think it was you mate,could have been someone else,
said we're getting up to 2/3 mill cases a week thats now nearing 4Mill and rising's only getting started in
some parts of the world...pretty much in line with the rising cases here...Sorry you just can't pull up a drawbridge and fuck the
rest of the world off...we have to live and learn ,share shit..poss antidotes/Vaccines info etc.
I've got friends in other parts of the world..I worry about them same as I do my friends and Family here.

When this started off shared lots of opinions with you guys...but it's spreading and evolving way beyond what I thought poss,
I thought Europe the States etc would have it more or less contained and we could use our Tech and what we had
learnt to help the 3rd world poorer countries out...but it's gonna run loose in those countries before we can help.
At this very moment I see no end to it...I don't do Scaremongering,Negativity shit..never have done can't stand it...
just trying to be realistic and seeing whats happening.

The excess ventilators etc mate is called being prepared for the worst scenario,which any decent Government would do.
Theres Cases coming to the fore now of people getting reinfected within months of recovery...makes the herd thing a bit
dodgy reckon.

I have no concept or understanding why any Government...especially our present one would big this up and try and
scare the crap out of us with it...makes absolutely no sense.......Boris and Co are going against all their principles...
Paying people to stay at home and not work,not contribute,not paying taxes,not keeping the Economy moving,so we
have to borrow shitloads...along with every country in the world I'll add.

Mate this thing is hurting and killing people....prob 10% of elderly that get it ,maybe under 1% of those younger..
That is still a fucking lot of us...

If anyone has an answer to how we handle this...........Answers on a postcard...10 Downing St....Cos fucked if I know.
Let's get it right. No one is fucking the rest of the world off. What I said was I'm not directly concerned about the damage the German and French, to name 2, government's are doing to their economies. I am however concerned with the damage to our UK economy because that is the country, unless they're lucky and able to fuck off elsewhere to get decent work, my grandchildren will have to exist in.

Nor could I give a flying fuck there are 4 million, or even 40 fucking million, new cases a week. The ONLY statistic that is truly relevant is the number of deaths. There have been loads of sportspeople who have had it and are back playing their particular sport. Johnson & Trump have both had it. Trump was back at work within days. If I remember correctly football in the UK first got shut down when Mikel Arteta caught it. He didn't look too bad when I saw him on the touchline this evening. And these are relatuively high profile people. There are literally MILLIONS recovering from this thing every week. But all we keep hearing about are stories like the stupid fucking 70 odd years old woman from somewhere in the West Country moaning that the "plague" (her words) stopped her mother getting her telegram from the queen because she died 4 months short of her hundredth birthday.

Yes people, you heard it right. A 99 year old woman dies and it's all down to Covid.. Fuck knows what would have happened if the cunts running the shop now had been in charge when the Luftwaffe were bombing the shit out of London 80 years ago. And your remark about why government's would "big it up". Isn't it the oldest trick in the world to present the worst possible case scenario, I'm expecting more scare stories about potential death rates soon, so that when the worst case doesn't happen everyone can pat themselves on the back and say what clever little boys they are.

Cynical, certainly. But under these circumstances I feel my cynicism is fully justified.
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Re: Coronavirus

Post by palerider »

The Conservative party signed their own death warrant on Saturday night.

Their total incompetence has reached a level they won't recover from.

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Re: Coronavirus

Post by terrya1965 »

Can anybody tell me why hairdressers,beauty parlours etc have got to close down?

I have visited the barbers on a number of occasions and found it one of the safest places of all?

Does anybody really think a School,University or College or is safer?I work in a Distribution Centre for a big Supermarket chain and their are hundreds of people who work there?We have to carry on.

Maybe it`s because the hairdressers are small independent companies and the big corporate companies can pay the Government nice little backhanders?

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Re: Coronavirus

Post by Whiskyman »

palerider wrote: Mon Nov 02, 2020 7:40 am The Conservative party signed their own death warrant on Saturday night.

Their total incompetence has reached a level they won't recover from.
Speaking as a Conservative I disagree. Not because I disagree with your overall sentiments, with which I totally concur, but because, quite simply, Starmer hasn't yet pulled his party back into anything like being a mainstream political force, and in any case Nanny Labour is, naturally, backing Nanny Boris in the forthcoming vote.

Sadly the political landscape in this country is so bereft of anything which remotely resembles talent or leadership I fear we are stuck with this utter buffoon as PM until the Party itself panics and stabs him in the back. Hopefully Sunak will then take the reins. He's the only bloke in my book with the credentials and common sense to do the job with anything that resembles competence.

Although Farage is rebranding his Brexit Party into Reform UK with, at present, yet another single interest manifesto which is to end lockdowns. :lol:

I suppose he couldn't keep quiet long.
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Re: Coronavirus

Post by palerider »

Whiskyman wrote: Mon Nov 02, 2020 10:24 am
palerider wrote: Mon Nov 02, 2020 7:40 am The Conservative party signed their own death warrant on Saturday night.

Their total incompetence has reached a level they won't recover from.
Speaking as a Conservative I disagree. Not because I disagree with your overall sentiments, with which I totally concur, but because, quite simply, Starmer hasn't yet pulled his party back into anything like being a mainstream political force, and in any case Nanny Labour is, naturally, backing Nanny Boris in the forthcoming vote.

Sadly the political landscape in this country is so bereft of anything which remotely resembles talent or leadership I fear we are stuck with this utter buffoon as PM until the Party itself panics and stabs him in the back. Hopefully Sunak will then take the reins. He's the only bloke in my book with the credentials and common sense to do the job with anything that resembles competence.

Although Farage is rebranding his Brexit Party into Reform UK with, at present, yet another single interest manifesto which is to end lockdowns. :lol:

I suppose he couldn't keep quiet long.
Reform UK will be a major force in 4 years time imo. They're anti-immigration as well and as unpalatable as that may be for some, it certainly isn't for millions. And unless Priti Useless does something serious about it, it'll be an election losing factor then.

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Re: Coronavirus

Post by mkhammer »

Whiskyman wrote: Sun Nov 01, 2020 11:26 pm
mkhammer wrote: Sun Nov 01, 2020 3:59 pm

Week or so ago I'm not gonna look.. in one of the exchanges..think it was you mate,could have been someone else,
said we're getting up to 2/3 mill cases a week thats now nearing 4Mill and rising's only getting started in
some parts of the world...pretty much in line with the rising cases here...Sorry you just can't pull up a drawbridge and fuck the
rest of the world off...we have to live and learn ,share shit..poss antidotes/Vaccines info etc.
I've got friends in other parts of the world..I worry about them same as I do my friends and Family here.

When this started off shared lots of opinions with you guys...but it's spreading and evolving way beyond what I thought poss,
I thought Europe the States etc would have it more or less contained and we could use our Tech and what we had
learnt to help the 3rd world poorer countries out...but it's gonna run loose in those countries before we can help.
At this very moment I see no end to it...I don't do Scaremongering,Negativity shit..never have done can't stand it...
just trying to be realistic and seeing whats happening.

The excess ventilators etc mate is called being prepared for the worst scenario,which any decent Government would do.
Theres Cases coming to the fore now of people getting reinfected within months of recovery...makes the herd thing a bit
dodgy reckon.

I have no concept or understanding why any Government...especially our present one would big this up and try and
scare the crap out of us with it...makes absolutely no sense.......Boris and Co are going against all their principles...
Paying people to stay at home and not work,not contribute,not paying taxes,not keeping the Economy moving,so we
have to borrow shitloads...along with every country in the world I'll add.

Mate this thing is hurting and killing people....prob 10% of elderly that get it ,maybe under 1% of those younger..
That is still a fucking lot of us...

If anyone has an answer to how we handle this...........Answers on a postcard...10 Downing St....Cos fucked if I know.
Let's get it right. No one is fucking the rest of the world off. What I said was I'm not directly concerned about the damage the German and French, to name 2, government's are doing to their economies. I am however concerned with the damage to our UK economy because that is the country, unless they're lucky and able to fuck off elsewhere to get decent work, my grandchildren will have to exist in.

Nor could I give a flying fuck there are 4 million, or even 40 fucking million, new cases a week. The ONLY statistic that is truly relevant is the number of deaths. There have been loads of sportspeople who have had it and are back playing their particular sport. Johnson & Trump have both had it. Trump was back at work within days. If I remember correctly football in the UK first got shut down when Mikel Arteta caught it. He didn't look too bad when I saw him on the touchline this evening. And these are relatuively high profile people. There are literally MILLIONS recovering from this thing every week. But all we keep hearing about are stories like the stupid fucking 70 odd years old woman from somewhere in the West Country moaning that the "plague" (her words) stopped her mother getting her telegram from the queen because she died 4 months short of her hundredth birthday.

Yes people, you heard it right. A 99 year old woman dies and it's all down to Covid.. Fuck knows what would have happened if the cunts running the shop now had been in charge when the Luftwaffe were bombing the shit out of London 80 years ago. And your remark about why government's would "big it up". Isn't it the oldest trick in the world to present the worst possible case scenario, I'm expecting more scare stories about potential death rates soon, so that when the worst case doesn't happen everyone can pat themselves on the back and say what clever little boys they are.

Cynical, certainly. But under these circumstances I feel my cynicism is fully justified.
Sorry mate you're wrong OUR economy is driven and guided by the worlds Economies...Europe,States,China,Far east-Japan
etc especially...they crash we crash,it's all linked....all about trade..they can't buy, we can't sell and vice versa..,but I feel
I'm telling you shit you already know,thats why I'm surprised by your take on it.
Also like keep on saying seem to be ignoring the fact..Boris and Co have been doing everything poss to avoid Lockdowns
and keep the Economy moving..they're being slated for're having a dig and they're doing what you want,thats not fair.

The More cases there are the more people die before their or anywhere,and for those that do die,it's a slow
lonely death...whereby you can't breathe and all your organs slowly begin to shut down.
Anyway it's not only about the deaths, it's about people suffering and taking up hospital beds,that we both agree on is
preventing long term treatment of other ailments...while this thing is around more will die earlier from other illnesses..
THAT WHY we have to get a grip of it,get it under control....Plainly and Simply it's a human contact thing so we do
everything poss to avoid that.

It's fucked up as many people as it's gone easy on your references are one sided Whisky.
Thats my point on this, we get Flu other ailments's pretty uniform in it's effects,treatments and outcomes,this shit
of a thing appears to be totally random...brings totally fit people to their knees, a 90 year old will have minor symptoms..
Again's the unknown thing about it.

Pale ..sorry mate I'm not seeing incompetence aint poss to make long term plans at the moment,we can't go..Right
we'll keep everything as norm see what happens...and watch it spread among us rapidly which it would do...
we Can't shut down till it's gone away, thats 18 months away minimum....gotta sit somewhere in the middle,and be guided
by whats happening, it slows we open up a bit,it spikes we shut down,we have to go with it,keep us safe, keep the Economy
ticking over...that means changing tact every now and again...
Last week or so Worldwide it's gone fuckin crazy and rising...our prob is rising to..thats what guiding this latest lockdown.
it was unexpected..and therefore not planned.

First to admit it Sucks..and totally fucks peoples lives and livelihoods up...but it's not the Governments's not a Tory thing
would be defending any Government that was in office during this time.
Cos Labour would be doing similar...there aint a lot of options.

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Re: Coronavirus

Post by palerider »

Why has the Department of Health refused to publish the findings that have resulted in the coming lockdown ?

I've heard lots of 'coulds' and 'ifs'.

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