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Re: Coronavirus

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2020 10:42 pm
by BlackDiamond
terrya1965 wrote: Wed Oct 21, 2020 10:18 pm
Whiskyman wrote: Wed Oct 21, 2020 4:19 pm

Completely agree with you that this has, or at least shouldn't, have anything whatsoever to do with politics. My views on this government, and I am a Conservative voter by nature, is that it is making too many knee jerk decisions based on-----well----highly confusing medical and scientific advice. But anyone who thinks Labour would be any better is kidding themselves imo. Johnson and his cronies are trying to nanny us into compliance so christ only knows what the traditional "nanny knows what's good for you even if you don't" approach usually adopted by left leaning governments would be like.

I think the country is crying out for the truth. And if that means telling us the disease MAINLY kills the over 80s , people with serious underlying health conditions, and BAME males then tell us. We're adult enough to accept the facts and in any case it's what most of us are now learning from reading between the lines anyway. So what's to lose.

And Boris could even earn a few house points by sacking that useless bell end Hancock.
And why his at it,get rid of the arrogant c**t of a politician Dominic Cummins..Would love to punch that shit bag of a man.
Your view might change as DC is not a conservative politician. His is a SPAD, Special Advisor. It's his job to make the PM look good with the electorate by shaping unpleasant ideas into appealing shiny new things...well that's what Boris thinks he's paying him for

Re: Coronavirus

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2020 10:32 am
by mkhammer
BlackDiamond wrote: Wed Oct 21, 2020 4:15 pm
mkhammer wrote: Wed Oct 21, 2020 3:51 pm

Really valid points mate..there's lots of stuff comes into the equation of how and why it moves around us.
What may work in one Country even an Area of that Country may not work so well in another....healthwise and economically.

I love Politics,but hate Political gain over stuff like this...some of the stuff I'm hearing ...the anti Government stuff from
some Politicians ,Media commentators, is utter utter one sentence they can say...It's wrong to shut certain areas down,
followed by we should have a "Circuit Break"'s like saying,Tescos in Bournemouth has a some bad covid figures,
better shut Newcastle and Glasgow and every other store down as well..Every little piece of the Economy we can keep
ticking over is helping someone.

Could never get the way we...the UK.. reported deaths,trying to blame every death on Covid...doesn't make any political
sense..think they'd wanna keep figures down.....think maybe they wanted to scare us a little, make it sink in,this thing will
kill so be careful.....Hundreds dying from it will have more of a scare factor than 10s dying from it maybe.

Fucked if I know,all very confusing at moment.
Seek and ye shall find. The government would ideally like to conduct 3 million tests per day...then you will see some high cases reported ffs

In the US cases are climbing (more testing) but deaths are falling...the deaths are not keeping up with the cases. What's going on, the fucking virus is not following the science. Shit that's torn it

What does the media think about it all now...
Exactly again mate...if were poss and they tested everyone overnight.. :lol: ..all 68 Mill of many positives would
there be....could be an eye opener.
Deaths could be dropping as all the really vulnerable among us are already dead...would also mean it's more prevalent
among us than we realize..
Just more assumptions and guessing BD.

The Media will do what the Media will do,and have done since Murdoch and Maxwell got involved in it...
Look for the best Headline/Statement.....Negative shit makes better Stories than any positive why we never
get a true reflection on what is happening, and peoples real views on's all angled in one direction..

Re: Coronavirus

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2020 10:59 am
by mkhammer
Whiskyman wrote: Wed Oct 21, 2020 4:19 pm
mkhammer wrote: Wed Oct 21, 2020 3:51 pm

Really valid points mate..there's lots of stuff comes into the equation of how and why it moves around us.
What may work in one Country even an Area of that Country may not work so well in another....healthwise and economically.

I love Politics,but hate Political gain over stuff like this...some of the stuff I'm hearing ...the anti Government stuff from
some Politicians ,Media commentators, is utter utter one sentence they can say...It's wrong to shut certain areas down,
followed by we should have a "Circuit Break"'s like saying,Tescos in Bournemouth has a some bad covid figures,
better shut Newcastle and Glasgow and every other store down as well..Every little piece of the Economy we can keep
ticking over is helping someone.

Could never get the way we...the UK.. reported deaths,trying to blame every death on Covid...doesn't make any political
sense..think they'd wanna keep figures down.....think maybe they wanted to scare us a little, make it sink in,this thing will
kill so be careful.....Hundreds dying from it will have more of a scare factor than 10s dying from it maybe.

Fucked if I know,all very confusing at moment.
Completely agree with you that this has, or at least shouldn't, have anything whatsoever to do with politics. My views on this government, and I am a Conservative voter by nature, is that it is making too many knee jerk decisions based on-----well----highly confusing medical and scientific advice. But anyone who thinks Labour would be any better is kidding themselves imo. Johnson and his cronies are trying to nanny us into compliance so christ only knows what the traditional "nanny knows what's good for you even if you don't" approach usually adopted by left leaning governments would be like.

I think the country is crying out for the truth. And if that means telling us the disease MAINLY kills the over 80s , people with serious underlying health conditions, and BAME males then tell us. We're adult enough to accept the facts and in any case it's what most of us are now learning from reading between the lines anyway. So what's to lose.

And Boris could even earn a few house points by sacking that useless bell end Hancock.
I think they've always tried to say....we're putting these measures in place...for the moment...things might change and
we'll review ,changing something doesn't mean changing your mind or going back on something...means you're adjusting
to whats happening at the time.
doesn't escape the fact it's fuckin tough for people,especially the business owners...whereby a lockdown can be better
than staying open for some...people are going to suffer..a lot..,it's trying to keep that as low as poss.

Think we're agreed it's a strange society we live in at the a Politician,you have to hold back a bit from what
you'd really like to say..cos it'll be twisted by the Media....if they (the government) touched on what you say..which is
correct by the way..they'd get ripped to shreads...
HEADLINE....................Boris Says ..."it only kill the elderly and don't worry to much if you're young,fit and
healthy...crack on " could you imagine..

Best to try and put stuff out there and let people work it out themselves...we've all done it,might see it differently
and how to handle it ...but we get it..

I'm totally Blinkered mate....think everyone is doing a good a job as poss in circumstances,funnily enough even
"Most" of those that bring the Government to account...Burnham..Starmer..doing whats needed,to a point...
Don't agree with all of it...but that's were the politics comes in..

Re: Coronavirus

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2020 11:51 am
by terrya1965

This is interesting

Re: Coronavirus

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2020 2:02 pm
by Whiskyman
mkhammer wrote: Thu Oct 22, 2020 10:59 am
Think we're agreed it's a strange society we live in at the a Politician,you have to hold back a bit from what
you'd really like to say..cos it'll be twisted by the Media....if they (the government) touched on what you say..which is
correct by the way..they'd get ripped to shreads...
HEADLINE....................Boris Says ..."it only kill the elderly and don't worry to much if you're young,fit and
healthy...crack on " could you imagine..
I can't disagree. However if instead of using your example he said something like This disease can be very harmful if you are old or you have a serious medical problem. If you fall into either category you should take care not to expose yourself to the disease. Unfortunately this means that you should-------- .

It's all about the packaging as much as what's inside. ;)

Re: Coronavirus

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2020 2:09 pm
by BlackDiamond
terrya1965 wrote: Thu Oct 22, 2020 11:51 am

This is interesting
The cynic in me would say this is genuine. So how do we explain it ?

The don't have the capacity to test all the samples within the turnaround time. Those received samples that are untested are then deemed positive because they wouldn't want to inform an untested person that they might be negative. So they err on the side of caution.

Logic being, that people seeking a test must have a legitimate reason for doing so. So what the hell, you don't miss the end off a slice loaf do you.

The conspiracy theory only works, if those untested false positives are then included in the reported totals. And that we don't know...or do we ?

Re: Coronavirus

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2020 4:17 pm
by Dwayne Pipes
terrya1965 wrote: Thu Oct 22, 2020 11:51 am

This is interesting
Fuck me is that Kammys son ?

Unbelievable Jeff !!

Re: Coronavirus

Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2020 7:09 am
by Whiskyman
Can't watch a game outdoors. But can watch the same match, in the same area, indoors. I'm no scientist but aren't we less likely to pick up infections outside, in the fresh air, than indoors ?

Over to you Matt Hancock. You dopey tosser. ... -away.html

Re: Coronavirus

Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2020 7:36 am
by palerider
Whiskyman wrote: Fri Oct 23, 2020 7:09 am Can't watch a game outdoors. But can watch the same match, in the same area, indoors. I'm no scientist but aren't we less likely to pick up infections outside, in the fresh air, than indoors ?

Over to you Matt Hancock. You dopey tosser. ... -away.html

How that cunt is still in a job is beyond me.

Re: Coronavirus

Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2020 10:08 am
by mkhammer
terrya1965 wrote: Thu Oct 22, 2020 11:51 am

This is interesting
One upon thousands of thousands will test "Dodgy"...9 outta ten will be a hoax....1 might not be...
They will Err on the side of caution...and recommend isolation.........

And if you're a piss taker doing it ,helping to fuck things up...serves you right...Me I would be notifying the local
old bill where he lives...and be having a word with him if he left his house he has been told to quarantine....