Fan Groups

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Re: Fan Groups

Post by whu »

frogiron wrote:I applaud you lads on these groups. Really. I believe you are honest, straight, and have the best interests of the club at heart. I thank you for dedicating your time to this cause. I don't believe for a second that you have any sympathy for the board, or the board's position, or that you have any ulterior motive. Any suggestion otherwise is nonsense. Plain and simple.

And I do think a march is a good idea. It demonstrates that there is disquiet sufficient enough to require the attention of the board.

But for fucks sake, sort yourselves out before any impetus you have disappears.

Did nobody think that going to Sullivan's house for a meeting and not telling anyone was a good move? That it would not raise eyebrows?

Did nobody consider that Brady would refer to that meeting in subsequent communication, and think “Now, how will this play to the people we represent?"

Did nobody consider that getting a letter from Brady, then sitting on it, was not the best idea?

Did nobody think that telling the fans they would discuss the contents of this letter amongst themselves, and only afterwards would they share it "in good time", was an insult? That "This is an Open Letter to Fans, and not ours to embargo"?

Did nobody realise that the power at ANY meeting is taking and producing the FUCKING MINUTES. You NEVER simply allow the other side to do it. When you write the minutes, you do NOT write a faithful representation of the meeting. You write YOUR VERSION of the meeting.

Did nobody think that having a list of objectives so unrepresentative of the things that are really pissing fans off was a mistake? That what matters is the fucking money and the investment and the control of the actual football?

To be blunt, this is simple, basic, beginners stuff.

You may think that politics is pointless. That being belligerent will deliver results. That swearing and threats are the way to get the board of a global business to act. You may think that management meetings are a piece of piss and anyone can do it.

Well you are operating at Board Level with a global business. And you are playing into their hands. They have had to do bugger all thus far, and they are making us look very, very silly.

I will say this for the fucking umpteenth time, your best bet is to work with Brady.

Don’t try to outsmart her. Or underestimate her. She’s smarter than all of us put together. But she is a commercial animal. As such, her actions will be pragmatic, predictable and professional. She is not some mercurial market trader or the inexperienced son of the guvnor. She is a hugely experienced and accomplished businesswoman and negotiator.

What will deliver change right now is negotiation and working out what benefits you can sell to your opponent. If it descends into harking back to when the paint on UP was still wet and you could get jellied eels for sixpence, well that’s fine. It may make you feel better. But it will not change the regime one iota.

Carry on as we are, and we are just a bunch of sweary blokes on a noisy stroll through East London with some banners we knocked up in the garage using the wife’s best bedsheets.

If those leading these fans groups are better at mobilising fans than they are at the political machinations of the board room and the negotiating table, that is absolutely fine. Each to their own.

But if you do not want to be lambs to the slaughter, I think you have two choices:

If you want to be all corporate and professional and sit down with the board, then you need to get some decent help. Fast. People who understand how that environment works, how to manipulate it, how to work in it, and how to behave. How to control the less politically astute voices around the table. And negotiate a better deal for followers of the club.

If you can’t or don't want to do that, then stick to pure protest tactics. Ridicule, taunt, disrespect, chant, march, wave banners, boycott – the things that you do not need negotiating skills or a political bent to achieve. It is just as likely to have an impact.

But you do need to choose one or the other. Because as it stands, the board are laughing up their sleeves at how easy this is, and the mistakes you are making in the boardroom are undermining all the achievements in mobilising people for the march and other protests.
good points, well made
Fuck Off Sully, Brady, Moyes. Killing this club by death from a thousand cunts.

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Re: Fan Groups

Post by hamstew »

3413 wrote:Idea.

Next home game all West Ham fans chant and cheer for the opposition.
Never been done before and will provide nationwide (worldwide) exposure to issues.
The greatest show of supporter discontent ever.
I bet you would be quite happy to do that. ;)

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Re: Fan Groups

Post by imanammer »

Good old numbers, still up to his tricks.

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Re: Fan Groups

Post by mkhammer »

3413 wrote:Someone’s desperately trying to gain my attention - please sir, my hand is up, please asks me sir - but I’m going to just ignore him like he’s a £20 whore whose served their purpose.

i am genuinely amused i am genuinely amused i am genuinely amused have a big ego don't we....... :lol: :lol:

Put Mr Sullivan to shame........

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Re: Fan Groups

Post by Porterman »

Newmarket wrote:
mkhammer wrote:

Seriously little buddie ...What Planet are you on.....

Find something constructive to say,we may not agree but make it constructive,so we
can discuss as adults.....
The fellas just suggesting (some may think bizarre) ways to get rid of Sullivan and his cohorts as he thinks the march will have little effect .

The players will be fully aware of what’s going on at the club , many of them probably wish they could join us , and I don’t think any chanting and venom directed at the board during home matches would have any effect on them whatsoever.
In fact I think it may even make them more resolute .

I know you disagree MK but he MAY be right .
Let’s put it this way , I hope for Gonzo’s sake that there’s not a lot of beer flying about between the March ending and the game beginning cos he has to sit near me :twisted:
" Many of the players probably wish they could join us".

When they are playing for a club that is on record as paying amonst the highest wages in the game.

Fuck me you really are the gift that keeps on giving.

Keep the good work up.

Make sure you take somebodies hand when you are on the march.

There might be roads to cross!!

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Re: Fan Groups

Post by Gonzo »

The first time we met Brady she was working like a well oiled machine, her opening gambit was a joke and a funny one at that. She was firm, eloquent, friendly, likable, complimentary, good looking and a world away from the grouchy person that you see on the Apprentice.

I wasn't at all surprised though because I'd met Richard Branson many years previously and he was equally impressive. There is a tendency to cunt these people off when we see them in the public eye but they are successful for a reason and certainly not influenced by people like me.

I went back for a second meeting but declined the third because I'd twigged what was going on by that point and my arse was already full of smoke. In all honesty the first two meetings had appealed to my ego, I felt important and was convinced that somehow I'd helped influence improvement at the club :lol: :lol:

Anyway when I heard that the alliance of groups had been invited for a meeting the writing was always on the wall. It's very hard to say no when the board or Chief Exec invite YOU for a meeting at the club you've always supported and it was always going to be difficult for everyone that was invited to turn the opportunity down.

I don't blame Andy for visiting Sullivan or indeed anyone else for attending the meeting with Brady but the movement was always doomed the moment the mystery was taken out of it and the demands became tenuous requests.

Brady wanted the meeting and has played a blinder by turning a revolution into a Q&A about peripheral supporter gripes.

The movement needed a benevolent dictator but it's ended up with slow death by council and I'm sorry to say that only a thumping away loss to Swansea, a quick scathing summary of the accounts on the 9th and glorious weather on the 10th will save it.

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Re: Fan Groups

Post by HamburgHammer »

Kudos Gonzo for admitting it tickled your ego to meet up with Brady, thinking you had a part in improving the future of the club.
It's an honest assessment and only human to feel this way.

But I agree they have merely been blowing smoke up the arses of all the different fan groups and they are trying the same with Swallow and his bunch.

When will people realise GSB will never change their tried and trusted modus operandi of spin, PR and more spin. They fail whenever a solid course of action is required that needs backing with serious money.
The fans either get their act together and put pressure on the board or they will continue with their silly little games forever.

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Re: Fan Groups

Post by mkhammer »

Newmarket wrote:
mkhammer wrote:

Seriously little buddie ...What Planet are you on.....

Find something constructive to say,we may not agree but make it constructive,so we
can discuss as adults.....
The fellas just suggesting (some may think bizarre) ways to get rid of Sullivan and his cohorts as he thinks the march will have little effect .

The players will be fully aware of what’s going on at the club , many of them probably wish they could join us , and I don’t think any chanting and venom directed at the board during home matches would have any effect on them whatsoever.
In fact I think it may even make them more resolute .

I know you disagree MK but he MAY be right .
Let’s put it this way , I hope for Gonzo’s sake that there’s not a lot of beer flying about between the March ending and the game beginning cos he has to sit near me :twisted:

Yeah gotta Agree to Disagree there N....
But as much as I'm worried bout the Negative atmosphere in the ground affecting the players,
I'm prob more concerned with it splitting the fans,not everyone is anti board,and it will happen,
can pretty much guarantee it,if someone starts holding banners up at a home game blocking
peoples views and chanting Fuck the board,and won't go down well...
Maybe Something at Halftime.....fair enough....

I'm supporting in my own way,"The March"....but like I said if someone in front of me is gonna
be up and down the whole game,waving banners and shouting/singing anti board stuff,I'll be
asking them to politely to keep it in check..

And as for supporting your opponents.....FFS.... :lol: The guys on a wind up we all know that,
have no idea why,I just don't see the point of it...

Fuck me spuds just scored 3 goals while I writ that....time to switch over... :lol:

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Re: Fan Groups

Post by paulcolborne »

Gonzo,The PR battle was always going to ebb and flow.I live in a North London overspill (Arsenal and Tottenham )town.There will be 35 of us marching from our town.Nothing has changed.We can see through the spin and waffle.This is our only chance and we will take it.Don't get disheartened mate.Still think 200000 will march.Keep the faith.

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Re: Fan Groups

Post by Gonzo »

paulcolborne wrote:Gonzo,The PR battle was always going to ebb and flow.I live in a North London overspill (Arsenal and Tottenham )town.There will be 35 of us marching from our town.Nothing has changed.We can see through the spin and waffle.This is our only chance and we will take it.Don't get disheartened mate.Still think 200000 will march.Keep the faith.
Hello Paul, I take it you meant 20,000?

Anyway good for you mate and to be fair I'm seeing a few flags pop up here and there and I helped with the graphics for one fella who has spent £150 on his so I know there are plenty committed.

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